Today is Academic Jamil Aliyev’s birthday

March 30 is Jamil Aliyev’s, Patriarch of the scientific and practical oncology of Azerbaijan, birthday. Academic Jamil Aliyev, a full and corresponding member of about 20 of the world's most prestigious and well-known academies of science, science centers, honorary professor, and awardee of dozens of international titles and awards, is 75 years old.

A long and effective way of scientific, clinical and experimental oncology development in Azerbaijan is connected with his name. Having lived a long and glorious life Jamil Aliyev has managed to raise the National Center of Oncology to the level of the most modern and largest treatment center in the South Caucasus in the last decade.

Currently, the National Center of Oncology, with the personnel of about 2,100 people, serves not only the population of the Republic, but also patients from Russia, Iran, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkmenistan and other countries on the basis of the latest science and medicine achievements.

Academic Jamil Aliyev is the author of about 600 scientific articles, 17 monographs, 14 methodical resources and 10 authorship certificates. He has repeatedly given scientific presentations at international conferences and symposiums held in the USA, Russia, Germany, England, France, Japan, Austria, Turkey and other countries.

Under the leadership of Jamil Aliyev, Director General of the National Center of Oncology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan since 1990, 48 people successfully defended their dissertations and were awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Medicine and 8 doctors were awarded the degree of Doctor of Sciences.

Academic Jamil Aliyev was awarded the honorary title of "Honored Scientist" and the orders of Glory for his great contribution to the development of healthcare in Azerbaijan.

Today, by the order of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Jamil Aziz oglu Aliyev was awarded the high state award - the order "For Service to the Fatherland" of the 1st degree.

We sincerely congratulate the prominent academician on his birthday and the high award, and wish him long life, good health, and great success in his difficult and honorable work!